Why didn't anyone tell me that an album of Radiohead covers was released this month?!?
And why the hell didn't anyone send me the link to this absolutely brilliant video: http://www.contactmusic.com/new/home.nsf/webpages/markronsonx09x03x06
(Please, please, please click here. I promise it's the best music vid you've seen in years. Scroll down to the grey box)
I'm sorry, aren't there people out there who are supposed to do this kind of research for me? Fuck y'all and your fresh air! Look what you're missing out on! (Oh, and what makes this even more watch-worthy is that this is the same dude that sings The OC theme. You know, "Californiaaa! Californiaaa!")
uh, feckin awesome?!
end wherrs meh feckin ugli fruit?!
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