Saturday, July 07, 2007

There's only a one letter difference between medication and meditation

Two summer classes down, two to go. Wanna know something odd? I've never done this well in school before and I've also never found it so unbearable. (How have I made it this far? A steady diet of Thai iced coffees, .80 vodka drinks, dangly earrings, Stevie Wonder, and both medication and meditation. Yeah, in that order.)

In other news, as of last week I've been living in the Old Pueblo for a year. You know, I don't have any memories of feeling cold here. Not one. It's been hot the whole damn time. Strangely, I spend summer in Tucson exactly how I spent winter in Montreal: Avoiding the outdoors at all costs, catching up on missed Trailer Park Boys episodes (from a certain website y'all are probably hep to by now), and wondering how the homeless people do it.

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