Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It is what it is

Big week for me, requiring me to both get up well before noon and wear clean clothes, every day! Finger printing and background check completed, I finally moved into my residence at the state school, (twice the size of my UES studio*, 100% cheaper), started classes at the U and scored a part-time job at Hotel Congress, a hotel/club/dive bar with a very colorful history. Guess all my experience in the "hospitality industry" with EF was not for naught. Doesn't hurt either than being a workaholic/social pariah these last few years has helped me develop a killer resume.

(This part best enjoyed with some Morrissey playing softly in the background.)
So, is this it? Will all this stick or will I move again in six months with some e-maied sob story that most of you will skim through at work while rolling your eyes? Beats the hell out of me but I can tell you this: I'm living in an apartment that is fully paid for, I'm getting my Masters essentially for free. In three weeks I got the first and only job I applied for at one of the hippest joint in town (admittedly, it is one of the only joints in town) and met a significant number of people who have a genuine interest in befriending me (read: people who do not want to fuck me, literal and figurative uses apply) to boot. This is the type of life that was only a brief suggestion in Boston and never even an option in New York.

Maybe this isn't it but it sure as hell is the closest I've ever come.

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