Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dora the Chola

And now for some comic relief.

I'm sorry, but I am so into this YouTube trend of dubbing various famous cartoon shows with current hip hop singles. Naturally, the cheaper the production value of the song, the better. SpongeBob (this is the defining clip of the genre) tends to be a favorite but I personally prefer the underrated Dora The Explorer. If you don't think you can handle watching this to the end at least wait until the one minute mark passes. It's worth it.

Exhibit A:

The last thirty seconds with that crazy yellow bearded thing, the gigantic chicken, the purple cow all skipping around -- with freaking unicorns in the sky! -- make me lose it every time.

I was introduced to this movement over the summer (by one of the coolest 10-year-olds I know, for the record) and instead of rolling my eyes bemoaning the State of Hip Hop Today and fearing for Our Children's Future I spent the rest of that afternoon on the couch giggling incessantly.

What happened to me? I have some theories which I will be discussing in a future entry. (I also will provide an explanation for why I haven't been posting for the last two months.)

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