Sunday, January 21, 2007

Cooking is so over

For some sick reason I still read New York Magazine. (It may or may not have something to do with a free subscription that they won't cancel.) In this week's issue they review a new grocery store for kids (!?!) that just opened up on the Upper East Side, a few blocks from the shoebox I used to call home. The owner of the store claims that, "Cooking is over."

Jake, 10, had this to say about the establishment:
“I expected the food to be like Campbell’s soup, but it’s not at all. It’s pretty good, but not for a guy like me. I prefer Citarella or Dean & DeLuca. I treasure things like an aged balsamic vinegar and truffles—the mushrooms, not the chocolate.”
I think I learned that truffles were not just chocolate sometime in college.

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